Face The Swarm Mac OS

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Some iPhone and iPad models feature Face ID, which allows users to unlock the device through advanced facial recognition. While Face ID is not yet available on any Mac, 9to5Mac found references to the TrueDepth camera on macOS Big Sur, which suggests Apple is working to bring facial recognition to its computers.

  • Swarm.exe has woken up, the Network has been infested, you’re the only one able to cleanse it. Face this powerful creature ruled by music. Jump and Slash with your sword in a side view melee mode Fly and Shoot in a top down shooter mode.
  • Swarm next turns up in Denver, Colorado, having amassed enough bees to become giant-sized. The Thunderbolts face him/them unsuccessfully until Venom is dispatched, devouring Swarm's bones. Norman Osborn speculated this was (by now) a minor inconvenience that shouldn't prevent Swarm.

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We were able to find a new extension on macOS Big Sur beta 3 with codes intended to support “PearlCamera.” You may not remember, but this is the internal codename Apple uses for the TrueDepth camera and Face ID, which was first revealed with the iPhone X leaks in 2017.

Codes such as “FaceDetect” and “BioCapture” found within this extension confirms that Apple is preparing macOS to operate with Face ID, as these codes are similar to those used by iOS. We investigated and this Face ID extension was clearly built for macOS, and it’s not some remnant code from Catalyst technology.

However, the implementation is still in the early stages, so it might take some time before Apple announces a new Mac model with the TrueDepth camera to support Face ID.

Only the MacBook Air and MacBook Pro currently feature biometric authentication through Touch ID integrated into the keyboard. Having Face ID on the Mac would bring even more convenience to unlocking the computer, and it would also fit perfectly on iMac, which doesn’t have a built-in keyboard. As Touch ID depends on the T2 security chip, it would be impractical for Apple to add it to a separate wireless keyboard.

Another important aspect is the Neural Engine, which is part of the A-series processors since the introduction of the A11 Bionic chip. This neural technology is fundamental to the way Face ID works, as it analyzes the details of the user’s face through machine learning models in just a fraction of a second, but no Mac has included Neural Engine so far.

This will change this year with the transition from Intel processors to Apple Silicon chips on the Mac, as Apple itself has confirmed that Macs running with Apple SoCs will have the same Neural Engine as iPhone and iPad. We believe that might be the main reason Apple hasn’t yet introduced a Mac with Face ID.

We still don’t know further details about how Face ID will work on the Mac, but presumably, it will operate in the same way as on iPhone and iPad. In addition to Face ID, the TrueDepth camera also enables features like animated Memoji and better integration with augmented reality apps.

With the first Apple Silicon Mac coming later this year, users will also be able to run any iOS app on macOS, which is certainly one more reason to have the TrueDepth camera on Macs.

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What is “swarm mode”?

Swarm mode is a Docker feature that provides built in container orchestration capabilities, including native clustering of Docker hosts and scheduling of container workloads. A group of Docker hosts form a “swarm” cluster when their Docker engines are running together in “swarm mode.” For additional context on swarm mode, refer to Docker's main documentation site.

Manager nodes and worker nodes

A swarm is composed of two types of container hosts: manager nodes, and worker nodes. Every swarm is initialized via a manager node, and all Docker CLI commands for controlling and monitoring a swarm must be executed from one of its manager nodes. Manager nodes can be thought of as “keepers” of the Swarm state—together, they form a consensus group that maintains awareness of the state of services running on the swarm, and it’s their job to ensure that the swarm’s actual state always matches its intended state, as defined by the developer or admin.


Any given swarm can have multiple manager nodes, but it must always have at least one.

Worker nodes are orchestrated by Docker swarm via manager nodes. To join a swarm, a worker node must use a “join token” that was generated by the manager node when the swarm was initialized. Worker nodes simply receive and execute tasks from manager nodes, and so they require (and possess) no awareness of the swarm state.

Swarm mode system requirements

At least one physical or virtual computer system (to use the full functionality of swarm at least two nodes is recommended) running either Windows 10 Creators Update or Windows Server 2016with all of the latest updates*, setup as a container host (see the topic, Windows containers on Windows 10 or Windows containers on Windows Server for more details on how to get started with Docker containers on Windows 10).

*Note: Docker Swarm on Windows Server 2016 requires KB4015217

Docker Engine v1.13.0 or later

Open ports: The following ports must be available on each host. On some systems, these ports are open by default.

  • TCP port 2377 for cluster management communications
  • TCP and UDP port 7946 for communication among nodes
  • UDP port 4789 for overlay network traffic

Initializing a Swarm cluster

To initialize a swarm, simply run the following command from one of your container hosts (replacing <HOSTIPADDRESS> with the local IPv4 address of your host machine):

When this command is run from a given container host, the Docker engine on that host begins running in swarm mode as a manager node.

Adding nodes to a swarm

Multiple nodes are not required to leverage swarm mode and overlay networking mode features. All swarm/overlay features can be used with a single host running in swarm mode (i.e. a manager node, put into swarm mode with the docker swarm init command).

Adding workers to a swarm

Once a swarm has been initialized from a manager node, other hosts can be added to the swarm as workers with another simple command:

Here, <MANAGERIPADDRESS> is the local IP address of a swarm manager node, and <WORKERJOINTOKEN> is the worker join-token provided as output by the docker swarm init command that was run from the manager node. The join-token can also be obtained by running one of the following commands from the manager node after the swarm has been initialized:

Adding managers to a swarm

Additional manager nodes can be added to a swarm cluster with the following command:

Again, <MANAGERIPADDRESS> is the local IP address of a swarm manager node. The join token, <MANAGERJOINTOKEN>, is a manager join-token for the swarm, which can be obtained by running one of the following commands from an existing manager node:

Creating an overlay network

Once a swarm cluster has been configured, overlay networks can be created on the swarm. An overlay network can be created by running the following command from a swarm manager node:

Here, <NETWORKNAME> is the name you'd like to give to your network.

Deploying services to a swarm

Once an overlay network has been created, services can be created and attached to the network. A service is created with the following syntax:

Here, <SERVICENAME> is the name you'd like to give to the service--this is the name you will use to reference the service via service discovery (which uses Docker's native DNS server). <NETWORKNAME> is the name of the network that you would like to connect this service to (for example, 'myOverlayNet'). <CONTAINERIMAGE> is the name of the container image that will defined the service.


The second argument to this command, --endpoint-mode dnsrr, is required to specify to the Docker engine that the DNS Round Robin policy will be used to balance network traffic across service container endpoints. Currently, DNS Round-Robin is the only load balancing strategy supported on Windows Server 2016.Routing mesh for Windows docker hosts is supported on Windows Server 2019 (and above), but not on Windows Server 2016. Users seeking an alternative load balancing strategy on Windows Server 2016 today can setup an external load balancer (e.g. NGINX) and use Swarm’s publish-port mode to expose container host ports over which to balance traffic.

Scaling a service

Once a service is deployed to a swarm cluster, the container instances composing that service are deployed across the cluster. By default, the number of container instances backing a service—the number of “replicas,” or “tasks” for a service—is one. However, a service can be created with multiple tasks using the --replicas option to the docker service create command, or by scaling the service after it has been created.

Service scalability is a key benefit offered by Docker Swarm, and it, too, can be leveraged with a single Docker command:

Here, <SERVICENAME> is the name of the service being scaled, and <REPLICAS> is the number of tasks, or container instances, to which the service is being scaled.

Viewing the swarm state

There are several useful commands for viewing the state of a swarm and the services running on the swarm.

List swarm nodes

Use the following command to see a list of the nodes currently joined to a swarm, including informaiton on the state of each node. This command must be run from a manager node.

In the output of this command, you will notice one of the nodes marked with an asterisk (*); the asterisk simply indicates the current node--the node from which the docker node ls command was run.

Face The Swarm Mac OS

List networks

Use the following command to see a list of the networks that exist on a given node. To see overlay networks, this command must be run from a manager node running in swarm mode.

List services

Use the following command to see a list of the services currently running on a swarm, including information on their state.

List the container instances that define a service

Use the following command to see details on the container instances running for a given service. The output for this command includes the IDs and nodes upon which each container is running, as well as infromation on the state of the containers.

Linux+Windows mixed-OS clusters

Recently, a member of our team posted a short, three-part demo on how to set up a Windows+Linux mixed-OS application using Docker Swarm. It's a great place to get started if you're new to Docker Swarm, or to using it to run mixed-OS applications. Check it out now:

Initializing a Linux+Windows mixed-OS Cluster

Initializing a mixed-OS swarm cluster is easy--as long as your firewall rules are properly configured and your hosts have access to one another, all you need to add a Linux host to a swarm is the standard docker swarm join command:

You can also initialize a swarm from a Linux host using the same command that you would run if initializing the swarm from a Windows host:

Adding labels to swarm nodes

In order to launch a Docker Service to a mixed-OS swarm cluster, there must be a way to distinguish which swarm nodes are running the OS for which that service is designed, and which are not. Docker object labels provide a useful way to label nodes, so that services can be created and configured to run only on the nodes that match their OS.


Docker object labels can be used to apply metadata to a variety of Docker objects (including container images, containers, volumes and networks), and for a variety of purposes (e.g. labels could be used to separate 'front-end' and 'back-end' components of an application, by allowing front-end microservices to be secheduled only on 'front-end' labeled nodes and back-end mircoservices to be scheduled only on 'back-end' labeled nodes). In this case, we use labels on nodes, to distinguish Windows OS nodes and Linux OS nodes.

To label your existing swarm nodes, use the following syntax:

Here, <LABELNAME> is the name of the label you are creating--for example, in this case we are distinguishing nodes by their OS, so a logical name for the label could be, 'os'. <LABELVALUE> is the value of the label--in this case, you might choose to use the values 'windows' and 'linux'. (Of course, you may make any naming choices for your label and label values, as long as you remain consistent). <NODENAME> is the name of the node that you are labeling; you can remind yourself of the names of your nodes by running docker node ls.

For example, if you have four swarm nodes in your cluster, including two Windows nodes and two Linux nodes, your label update commands may look like this:

Deploying services to a Mixed-OS swarm

With labels for your swarm nodes, deploying services to your cluster is easy; simply use the --constraint option to the docker service create command:

Face the swarm mac os download

For example, using the label and label value nomenclature from the example above, a set of service creation commands--one for a Windows-based service and one for a Linux-based service--might look like this:


Currently, swarm mode on Windows has the following limitations:

  • Data-plane encryption not supported (i.e. container-container traffic using the --opt encrypted option)
  • Routing mesh for Windows docker hosts is not supported on Windows Server 2016, but only from Windows Server 2019 onwards. Users seeking an alternative load balancing strategy today can setup an external load balancer (e.g. NGINX) and use Swarm’s publish-port mode to expose container host ports over which to load balance. More detail on this below.


For more details on how to setup Docker Swarm Routing Mesh, please see this blog post

Publish ports for service endpoints

Users seeking to publish ports for their service endpoints can do so today using either publish-port mode, or Docker Swarm's routing mesh feature.

To cause host ports to be published for each of the tasks/container endpoints that define a service, use the --publish mode=host,target=<CONTAINERPORT> argument to the docker service create command:

For example, the following command would create a service, 's1', for which each task will be exposed via container port 80 and a randomly selected host port.

Face The Swarm Mac Os X

After creating a service using publish-port mode, the service can be queried to view the port mapping for each service task:

The above command will return details on every container instance running for your service (across all of your swarm hosts). One column of the output, the “ports” column, will include port information for each host of the form <HOSTPORT>-><CONTAINERPORT>/tcp. The values of <HOSTPORT> will be different for each container instance, as each container is published on its own host port.

Face The Swarm Mac Os Download

Tips & Insights

Face The Swarm Mac Os Update

Existing transparent network can block swarm initialization/overlay network creation

On Windows, both the overlay and transparent network drivers require an external vSwitch to be bound to a (virtual) host network adapter. When an overlay network is created, a new switch is created then attached to an open network adapter. The transparent networking mode also uses a host network adapter. At the same time, any given network adapter can only be bound to one switch at a time--if a host has only one network adapter it can attach to only one external vSwitch at a time, whether that vSwitch be for an overlay network or for a transparent network.

Hence, if a container host has only one network adapter it is possible to run into the issue of a transparent network blocking creation of an overlay network (or vice-versa), because the transparent network is currently occupying the host's only virtual network interface.

There are two ways to get around this issue:

  • Option 1 - delete existing transparent network: Before initializing a swarm, ensure there is not an existing transparent network on your container host. Delete transparent networks to ensure there is a free virtual network adapter on your host to be used for overlay network creation.
  • Option 2 - create an additional (virtual) network adapter on your host: Instead of removing any transparent network that's on your host you can create an additional network adapter on your host to be used for overlay network creation. To do this, simply create a new external network adapter (using PowerShell or Hyper-V Manager); with the new interface in place, when your swarm is initialized the Host Network Service (HNS) will automatically recognize it on your host and use it to bind the external vSwitch for overlay network creation.