Melt Town Mac OS

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Melt Town Mac OS

Melt Town Mac Os Catalina

I use a four year old Powerbook G4 (667mhz/512mb) running 10.3.9. I typically have 5 firewire drives hooked in and get online via a Belkin wireless modem.
This morning on start up I got a flashing globe icon follwed by a small OS9 folder icon which flashed with a question mark, I then got a gray screen with a 'no entry' icon (circle with a diagonal line through it).
I had DiskWarrior in my CD drive and have managed a rebuild however - the Hard Drive has 'disappeared' DiskWarrior now only sees a drive called 'Untitled' The rebuild resulted in a very long shopping list of files/folders/volumes that needed repairing and 117 files being moved to a 'Rescued Items' folder. However post-rebuild I still had the same issues when restarting
I then completely erased the hard drive and reinstalled Panther 10.3 and brought it up to 10.3.9 via Software Update - Final Cut, Cleaner 6, Photoshop, Macromedia Studio mx were then installed all from the original cd's... but not yet any of my data from my firewire backup.
All looked good until i tried to install Apple Loops for Soundtrack - the m/c hung, I forced a restart and I GOT MY ORIGINAL FLASHING OS9/QUESTION MARK ICON BACK. Diskwarrior was again swung into action and once again it did not see my Hard Drive - just a volume called 'Untitled'
DiskWarrior has just completed its rebuild and describes my melt down as follows:
DiskWarrior has successfully built a new directory named 'Untitled'. The new directory cannot be replace the oringinal the original directory due to a Mac OS services failure.
Try rebuilding again. If the problem persists, please restart DiskWarrior and then try rebuilding again.
The original directory is severely damaged and it was necessary to scavenge the directory to find file and folder data.
Some file and folder data may be missing, and some files that had been lost thrown away may have been recovered.
All errors in the directory structure such as tree depth, header node, node size, node counts, node links, indexes and more have been repaired.
96640 files had to be recovered. The files may have been lost or thrown away. You must inspect the files to determine the extent of any damage. You must also determine whether the files should be discarded.
72 iNode files had a link count that was repaired.
262 link files had a creation date that was repaired.
194 link files no longer point to an original file and therefore cannot be repaired.
230 files had a directory entry with an incorrect flag that was repaired.
224 files had a directory entry with an incorrect alias flag that was repaired.
7 files had a duplicate ID that was repaired.
332 files had an ID that was repaired.
82 files had a directory entry with an incorrect text encoding that was repaired.
107 files had a directory entry with an incorrect starting allocation value that was repaired.
58605 files had a duplicate name that was repaired.
329 files had an incorrect allocated size that was repaired.
331 files had an incorrect actual size that was repaired.
8 files had an incorrect BSD Type that was repaired.
670 files had an oversized thread that was repaired.
583 files had an incorrect key that was repaired.
107 files had to be moved to the damaged items folder.
8714 missing folders had to be recreated.
2 folders had an incorrect BSD Type that was repaired.
6 folders had a directory entry with an incorrect flag that was repaired.
6616 folders had a duplicate name that was repaired.
438 folders had an oversized thred that was repaired.
1 file/folder had an incorrect record type that was repaired.
18595 folders had an incorrect item count that was repaired.
21 folders had a directory entry with an incorrect custom icon flag that was repaired.
124 folders had an incorrect key that was repaired.
42117 files/folders had to be moved to the 'Rescued Items' folder.
Incorrect values in the Volume Information were incorrect and were repaired.
There is no blessed System Folder, you will be asked to choose a System Folder after replacing the directory
Disk Information
Files: 96480
Folders: 25,853
Free Space: 38.97 GB,
Format: Mac OS Extended (Journaled)
Block Size: 4K
Disk Sectors: 93,495,136
Media: IBM-IC25T048ATDA05-0
I am now in the process of once again erasing the hard drive and reinstalling Panther and my other sw. Any thoughts on what might have caused these melt downs and what I can do to safeguard against a reoccurence would be much appreciated.