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Morfosi is a top down 2D horror were you can turn into the monsters to solve puzzles and survive. Sign in or join with: Only registered members can share their thoughts. Join the community today (totally free - or sign in with your social account on the right. As far as I know, for games to be downloadable with the launcher, the developer needs to tell what operating system each downloadable file is compatible with. Since I don't see a little Windows symbol on the game's page next to the file size of '', it doesn't seem like UniDot has done that yet, so it. Rivista Italiana di Studi Catalani (Classe A), 3, 2013, 192 pp., ed. Orazi, Alessandria, Edizioni dell'Orso.

  1. Morfosi Mac Os Downloads
  2. Morfosi Mac Os X
  3. Morfosi Mac Os Catalina
  4. Morfosi Mac Os Download


The 'classic' Mac OS is the original Macintosh operating system that was introduced in 1984 alongside the first Macintosh and remained in primary use on Macs until the introduction of Mac OS X in 2001.


Recent community posts

PURPLE -Directors Cut- comments · Posted in PURPLE -Directors Cut- comments

Is there any way to download the original version of this game? I wanted to replay it after trying the DC but I can't find a download for it.

NextDoor comments · Replied to fluffyf in NextDoor comments

In the original Junji Ito comic he just moves away. Presumably he experienced the same thing Mimi did when he peeked through the hole and hauled ass.

Purrfect Apawcalypse IF0 comments · Posted in Purrfect Apawcalypse IF0 comments

I played this and Incredible Furture and loved them both! The art style, characters and story felt very true to the original PA games, you've captured its unique universe perfectly.

Quantum Suicide (Visual Novel) comments · Replied to CottonCandyCyanide in Quantum Suicide (Visual Novel) comments

Thanks for the reply!
I'm unzipping the demo like you said and opening this file:

After that I get a message saying the file can't be opened because the developer cannot be verified (which is normal and happens for anything I download on, I go to my settings to bypass this message, then when I try to open the file again it just crashes after a few seconds.

Let me know if there's something I'm doing wrong - I'm on OS Catalina by the way.

Quantum Suicide (Visual Novel) comments · Posted in Quantum Suicide (Visual Novel) comments

Hi! How can i get the Mac demo to run? I'm trying to open the Renpy file but it just crashes immediately.

Bittersweet Birthday comments · Posted in Bittersweet Birthday comments
111 days ago(1 edit)

This game looks really great but I cannot get past the boss battle. If there was a way to give the player character a buffer after losing health so they can't take too much damage in a row, have their health slowly build back up during combat, or fully/partially restore at the start of each phase, I think that could go a long way to make this a little less frustrating. Or even just a lower difficult setting for people who are more interested in story over combat.

Scrabdackle comments · Posted in Scrabdackle comments
174 days ago(1 edit)

Really fun game, but is the demo meant to save between sessions? I found 5 stars and closed the game to take a break, but when I re-opened it all my progress was lost :c

ETA: I used the in-game save checkpoints and everything.

Pick a god (and pray) comments · Posted in Pick a god (and pray) comments

In the first room I found the number on the map, the clock and the toilet, how do you find the fourth number? I'm guessing it has something to do with the sink, but after I got hot water in it nothing happened and I swear I've clicked every possible thing in the room.

Love this so far, there was a lot more content than I was expecting from a demo and this seems like a very promising meta RPG game. Looking forward to the full release!

GLITCHED comments · Replied to fluffy in GLITCHED comments

I got this same error but managed to get it to work by dragging the game from the DMG window to my Desktop and starting it from there.

Play Dead! #1 - Schrodinger's House comments · Posted in Play Dead! #1 - Schrodinger's House comments

This was incredibly cute! I'd love to see more paranormal adventures with this crew.

Great game! Lovely story, endearing characters and the creepy bits felt very Lovecraft but at a kid's birthday party.

Croaking Hill: Demo comments · Posted in Croaking Hill: Demo comments
Purrfect Apawcalypse: Patches' Inferno comments · Posted in Purrfect Apawcalypse: Patches' Inferno comments

Enjoyed this series a lot more than I thought I would. It's got a really great art style, a strange mix of whimsical and twisted humor, and endearing characters. Sparky is best boy.

Oddventure comments · Posted in Oddventure comments

Cool demo, but the Mac version crashes every time I finish the cutscene after the battle with Mr Duck.

A little short but I really enjoyed this so far, like all the other commenters I love the art style especially. I don't really have a sense of where the story is going but I'm definitely interested to find out.

Sunset Surf: A Lifeguard Adventure Demo comments · Posted in Sunset Surf: A Lifeguard Adventure Demo comments

This was a really cute demo with great writing and music. I played through all three demo routes and I enjoyed Bronco's the most. Looking forward to seeing updates/the full game!

Crooked Time comments · Posted in Crooked Time comments

Great game, I randomly found this while browsing itch's Most Recent section and I'm glad I did because I really enjoyed it. Love the artstyle and story, and the atmosphere was as calm and peaceful as it was slightly disconcerting. Awesome job!

Project Kat comments · Posted in Project Kat comments

Really cool game with great atmosphere and visuals. The game so far feels like it could be a standalone but I'm still looking forward to seeing more from this project.

MORFOSI|莫法西 comments · Posted in MORFOSI|莫法西 comments

The demo was a little short but I really liked the atmosphere and art style. The mechanic of transforming into your enemy is also pretty cool. Looking forward to seeing more from this game!

Vibrant Venture comments · Posted in Vibrant Venture comments
1 year ago(1 edit)

Great platformer, the gameplay is addicting and I love the pixel art and character designs. I've played through the demo like three times already lol

Vibrant Venture comments · Replied to jacklynzerv in Vibrant Venture comments
1 year ago(1 edit)

Thanks so much!! This worked perfectly, not only for this game in particular but also some other games I've had trouble opening on my Mac. I'm not sure why this issue keeps popping up ever since I upgraded to Catalina but you're a lifesaver!

Wandering In The Darkness (DEMO) comments · Posted in Wandering In The Darkness (DEMO) comments

The Mac demo won't open for me :( Is this compatible with OS Catalina?

Grimm's Hollow community · Created a new topic Mac OS Release?

Any chance of this getting a MAC OS release at some point?

Photographs comments · Posted in Photographs comments
Spooky Station comments · Replied to Relixes in Spooky Station comments
Vibrant Venture comments · Posted in Vibrant Venture comments

I'm on Mac OS Catalina and the Mac demo doesn't seem to be working for me. I keep getting an error message that the game can't be opened :c

Grotesque Beauty comments · Replied to Digital Bento in Grotesque Beauty comments
Grotesque Beauty comments · Replied to Digital Bento in Grotesque Beauty comments

Thanks for the quick reply! I'm on OS Catalina. I'm not sure if it would work in this particular case but I had a previous experience where a game launched sucessfully through Steam even though the direct file on didn't work.

Grotesque Beauty comments · Posted in Grotesque Beauty comments

The Mac version won't open on my end :( I know the game's available on Steam as well, any chance I could get a Steam key?


Spooky Station comments · Posted in Spooky Station comments

Any chance these games are getting a Mac OS release? I'm an idiot and bought the pack without realizing it was for Windows only at the moment. Thanks!

Pokémon Let's Go... To Hell! comments · Posted in Pokémon Let's Go... To Hell! comments

Mac version is a bit glitchy. After reading Sparky's letter and transporting to the Lavender Town tower, anytime I try to move I keep getting an error, and I'm assuming to progress I need to go down the bloody stairs but the game won't let me.

Any chance this is getting a Mac version? The game seems cool and the art style is really interesting.

file://maniac comments · Posted in file://maniac comments

I thought this was an incredibly cool and unique game. The file directory aspect was intuitive and seamless and I'm glad there was a reset button in case I ever messed up. I do wish it was a little longer and had more of a narrative since it felt like it was just scratching the surface of the real story. Awesome job though!

From MorphOS Library

Author: Jacek Piszczek (

Quick and unofficial MorphOS & Mac OS X dual boot guide for Apple Mac Mini PowerPC.


You need a PowerPC Mac Mini, any model will do.

Make sure that you have the OSX Install DVD ready. I used 10.4, but it should bealmost the same for all other versions. With Leopard you might not be able to createreally small partitions, but on the other hand you could try resizing your current OSX partition to make some space for MorphOS. This guide will cover a 10.4 installation on a clean drive.

Download the MorphOS 2.4 + install ISO image and burn it on a CD or DVD.

Hint: burn the ISO as the CD’s image, not as a file on the CD ;)

In case you have an existing OSX 10.3 or 10.4 installation and no access to retailLeopard DVD, you will need a Linux live CD to resize the existing OSX partitionwithout losing your data. Mind that the Disk Utility in Tiger will format all partitions if you make any changes to the partition layout. In this guide I used the Ubuntu 9.04 live CD found at

If in doubt, please back up your disk using the Disk Utility’s Restore mode. Making a mirror copy of your hard drive would make it possible for OSX’s Installer to automagically restore all your applications and settings.

Installing OSX from scratch


In case you have an existing OSX installation and do not wish to reinstall, see section 4.

Power the Mini on and insert the OSX Install DVD. Press and hold the c key to forcea CD boot. Run the Disk Utility from the menu once the installer loads. Pick theinternal drive.

Now select the Volume Scheme cycle gadget and select 3 Partitions. Pick the first one and make it 60 MB. The reason for this is that MorphOS actually needs twopartitions: one for the boot files and one for the actual installation.

Hint: to make a partition smaller than 1GB, type 0.1 in Size. This will make thepartitioner switch to MB instead of GB.

At this point it doesn’t matter what file system is selected for the partition, so just ignore whatever Disk Utility preselected for you.

The 3rd partition will be the OSX partition. Give it the size you want, call it OSX and make sure it is using Mac OS Extended (Journaled) in Format. Now click on the‚Partition‘ button and proceed. Quit Disk Utility and proceed with OSX installation as you normally would.

Hint: do click on the ‚Customize‘ button before starting the actual installation. You probably don’t want most of the stuff that’s installed by default.

Installing MorphOS after OSX

Replace the OSX Install DVD with the MorphOS CD / DVD and reboot. Press and hold the c key to make the Mini boot from a CD. Wait for it to load and run the IWizard (hit the Installation button in the welcome window, or go to MorphOSBoot:Tools and double click the IWizard icon).

Proceed with the configuration process until you get to the Storage page.

Make sure you select the manual partitioning mode; we don’t want to erase our freshOSX installation. After clicking next you will see the partitioner view.

Select the first partition and make sure the Filesystem field is set to HFS, and the name is changed to DH0.

Morfosi Mac Os Downloads

Note: do NOT remove the 128MB padding partitions. Mac OSX expects them to bethere!

Now select the 1st big partition: this is the partition to install MorphOS on.

Morfosi Mac Os X

Change the Name to DH1, set the Filesystem to SFS and enable the Boot (A/UX)flag.

You may also want to rename the OSX partition so that it shows up as DH2 underMorphOS.

Now hit the Save button below the hard drive icon next to the partitions list. Do NOT click on the Next button!

Click on the MorphOSBoot CD icon on the desktop and go to Tools. Run theMounter application (double-click).

Select ide.device unit 0 and the DH0 partition. Click on the Filesystem cycle gadgetand select MAC HFS (!). Now click the Mount button.

Note: MorphOS´ installer expects a HFS formatted partition called Boot and willstore boot files on it. It is absolutely necessary that you create the partition and name it ‘Boot’ and nothing else. You cannot use a HFS+ partition since MorphOS doesn’t have write support for HFS+. This would make the installer fail.

If the DH1 partition has ‘–‘ in the Mounted As column, select it and hit Mount(Filesystem must be either Autodetect or MorphOS SFS).

Now click on the desktop and click with the right mouse button over the screen’s topbar (in case you’re using some silly 1-button mouse, right command (Apple) key +right alt key simulate a right mouse click under MorphOS, you may also open themenu with right command + space and navigate it with arrows). Select Format fromthe Utilities menu.

Select DH0 and name it Boot (yes, this REALLY is required, you have to name itBoot or MorphOS will fail to install). Press the Quick Format button. Now selectDH1 and name it however you like, for example System.

Now go back to the IWizard application (in case you don’t know, double-clicking ona window brings it to front in MorphOS, unlike a single click in OSX). Click on theNext button. If all went fine you will see this:

Assuming everything is correctly formatted and mounted, the installer picks the drive to install (DH1) automatically. Now just click Install and wait until it’s done copying.

Preparing an existing OSX installation for MorphOS

As mentioned in the Prerequisites section, in case you have an existing OSXinstallation, you will have to resize its partition to make some room for MorphOS.Since not everybody has retail Leopard DVD, I will use Ubuntu to explain how to dothis.

Note: please read sections 2 and 3 before trying this out, some explanations available there were omitted in sections 4 and 5.

Power the Mini on and insert the Ubuntu Live CD. Press and hold the c key to force aCD boot. Now run the Partition Editor from the System -> Administration menu.

Select the OSX hfs+ partition and click on Resize/Move. Resize the partition byclicking and dragging on its right edge. Do NOT move the partition from its left edge.

You MUST disable the Round to cylinders checkbox, or GParted will try to move theOSX partition. Make sure the Free Space Preceding (MiB) field stays at 128. Youshould leave at least 1GB of free space following the OSX partition. I’d recommendaround 20GB. Now click on the Resize/Move button to apply your changes.

Click on the gray space called unallocated and click New. Set the New Size (MiB)field to 64 and the File System to hfs. Make sure the Round to cylinders checkbox isdisabled. Click the Add button.

Select the unallocated space again, change the File System to unformatted (we willchange it from MorphOS later), disable the Round to cylinders checkbox and pressAdd.

Click the Apply button to apply our partition table changes. It will take some time to resize the partition, depending on the used space. Make sure you’ve backed up your data because a sudden power outage will most likely make your data hard /impossible to recover.

Once the process completes, reboot into OSX to see if all went OK.

Installing MorphOS next to an existing OSX installation

Make sure you followed all steps in section 4. Replace the Ubuntu CD with theMorphOS CD and reboot. Press and hold the c key to make the Mini boot from a CD.Wait for it to load and run the IWizard (hit the Installation button in the welcomewindow, or go to MorphOSBoot:Tools and double click the IWizard icon).

Proceed with the configuration process until you get to the Storage page.

Make sure you select the manual partitioning mode; we don’t want to erase ourexisting OSX installation. After clicking next you will see the partitioner view. Select the OSX HFS partition and make sure the Boot (A/UX) flag is unset. Name thispartition DH0.

Note: the partition’s Filesystem is always HFS, even if it’s formatted with HFS+, this is the reason why we have to specify the FS type manually when mounting it later.

Edit the 64MB HFS partition now. Name it DH1 and make sure the Boot (A/UX) flagis turned off. The Mount (A/UX) flag can be ignored.

Last will be the partition for the MorphOS installation. Name it DH2 and make surethe Boot (A/UX) and Mount (A/UX) flags are turned ON. Change the Filesystem toSFS.

Save the changes by clicking on the Save button below the hard drive icon. Do notpress Next yet!

Click on the MorphOSBoot CD icon on the desktop and go to Tools. Run theMounter application (double-click).

Select ide.device unit 0 and the DH1 partition. Click on the Filesystem cycle gadgetand select MAC HFS (!). Now click the Mount button.

If the DH2 partition has ‘–‘ in the Mounted As column, select it and hit Mount(Filesystem must be either Autodetect or MorphOS SFS).

Now click on the desktop and click with the right mouse button over the screen’s topbar (in case you’re using some silly 1-button mouse, right command (Apple) key +right alt key simulate a right mouse click under MorphOS, you may also open themenu with right command + space and navigate it with arrows). Select Format fromthe Utilities menu.

Select DH1 and name it Boot (yes, this REALLY is required, you have to name itBoot or MorphOS will fail to install). Press the Quick Format button. Now selectDH2 and name it however you like, for example System.

Morfosi Mac Os Catalina

Note: If the HFS partition is already formatted, Quick Format it anyway.

Now go back to the IWizard. Click on the Next button. Assuming everything iscorrectly formatted and mounted, the installer picks the drive to install (DH2)automatically. Now just click Install and wait until it’s done copying.

Trying it out, changing the default system

After a successful installation you may start MorphOS from the HD. Eject the CD byright clicking on its icon and selecting Eject. Reboot MorphOS either by selectingShut Down… from the Ambient menu, or by pressing control + left command + rightcommand keys.

Note: if you don’t eject the CD, MorphOS will try to boot from it again! It will load the boot.img from the hard drive, but all other files from the CD even if the c key wasn’t pressed

By default, the Mac Mini will boot OSX. To boot MorphOS, press and hold the altkey – this will bring up the OpenFirmware’s graphical boot menu. Select the partition with a butterfly icon and you will boot into MorphOS.

In order to boot MorphOS by default, one must change the OpenFirmware settings.To get to the firmware prompt: reboot and press and hold the command + option + o+ f keys until you see the OF screen.

To determine the partition number of the HFS boot partition type the following:

where x should be a number from 3 to n, depending on partition layout. If you seeboot.img and bootinfo.txt files being listed, this is the correct one. Now type:

Morfosi Mac Os Download

replacing x with the partition number you just found.

It’s possible to slightly increase the booting speed by making OF skip the networkbooting initialization. This is done with:

Now save the changes and reboot by typing:

… and the Mini will now boot MorphOS by default. To boot OSX just hold the altkey and select it from the menu.

Have fun and don’t forget to register MorphOS :)

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