Shadow Defense: Kingdom Mac OS

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  1. Shadow Defense: Kingdom Mac Os X
  • Rino, Cleansweep Archer


    • Rino, Cleansweep Archer

    • Forestcraft
    • Gold
    • -
    • Fanfare: Union Burst (10) - Deal 2 or 4 damage to all enemy followers. (Damage is determined randomly for each enemy.)
    • Evolve: Gain +2/+0 until the end of the turn. Add 2 to the number of cards played this turn.
  • Kokkoro, Faithful Guide


    • Kokkoro, Faithful Guide

    • Forestcraft
    • Legendary
    • -
    • Fanfare: Draw a card. If at least 2 other cards were played this turn, draw 2 cards instead.
      Union Burst (10): Give +1/+1 to all allied followers. Restore 3 defense to your leader.
  • Shizuru, Sisterly Sabreur


    • Shizuru, Sisterly Sabreur

    • Swordcraft
    • Gold
    • Officer
    • Ward.
      Fanfare: Union Burst (10) - Deal 3 damage to the enemy leader. Gain the ability to evolve for 0 evolution points.
    • Ward.
      At the end of the turn, if you have more evolution points than your opponent, restore 3 defense to your leader and this follower. (You have 0 evolution points on turns you are unable to evolve.)
  • Pecorine, Peckish Princess


    • Pecorine, Peckish Princess

    • Swordcraft
    • Legendary
    • Commander
    • Rush.
      Fanfare: Union Burst (10) - Gain +3/+3. Deal 5 damage to an enemy follower.
      At the end of your turn, gain +0/+1.
    • (Same as the unevolved form, excluding Fanfare.)
  • Kyoka, Prize Pupil


    • Kyoka, Prize Pupil

    • Runecraft
    • Gold
    • -
    • Fanfare: Spellboost the cards in your hand.
      Union Burst (10): Deal 7 damage to an enemy follower. Deal 2 damage to the enemy leader.
    • Evolve: Spellboost the cards in your hand. Deal 2 damage to an enemy follower.
  • Karyl, Catty Sorceress


    • Karyl, Catty Sorceress

    • Runecraft
    • Legendary
    • -
    • Fanfare: Reduce the enemy leader's maximum defense by 5.
      Union Burst (10): Deal 1 damage to a random enemy follower and then 1 damage to the enemy leader. Do this 5 times.
    • Evolve: Destroy all enemy followers with 3 defense or less.
  • Inori, Timid Dragonmaiden


    • Inori, Timid Dragonmaiden

    • Dragoncraft
    • Gold
    • -
    • Ambush.
      Fanfare: Union Burst (10) - Give all enemy followers the following effect - At the start of your turn, deal 1 damage to your leader and 2 damage this follower.
    • Ambush.
  • Kaya, Draconine Brawler


    • Kaya, Draconine Brawler

    • Dragoncraft
    • Legendary
    • -
    • Rush.
      Fanfare: Union Burst (10) - Gain Storm and the following effect: The next time this follower takes damage, reduce that damage to 0.
      Follower Strike: Gain +2/+2 and the ability to attack 2 times this turn.
    • Rush.
      Strike: Gain +2/+2 and the following effect until the end of the turn - This follower can attack 2 times per turn.
  • Miyako, Pudding Poltergeist


    • Miyako, Pudding Poltergeist

    • Shadowcraft
    • Gold
    • -
    • Fanfare: The next time this follower takes damage, reduce that damage to 0.
      Union Burst 10: Put a Pudding Time into your hand.
    • Pudding Time

    • Shadowcraft
    • Gold
    • -
    • Remove all effects from an enemy follower. Change its attack and defense to 0/1.
      Give +3/+3 to a random allied Miyako, Pudding Poltergeist.

  • Shinobu, Mausoleum Medium


    • Shinobu, Mausoleum Medium

    • Shadowcraft
    • Legendary
    • -
    • Fanfare: Union Burst (10) - Deal 4 damage to an enemy follower. Then, if the selected follower had 4 defense or less before damage was dealt, deal 2 damage to all enemies.
    • Evolve: Summon a Skullfather.
    • Skullfather

    • Shadowcraft
    • Legendary
    • -
    • Rush.
      Last Words: Give +1/+1 to 2 random allied followers.
    • (Same as the unevolved form.)
  • Io, Enchanting Educator


    • Io, Enchanting Educator

    • Bloodcraft
    • Gold
    • -
    • Drain.
      Fanfare: Union Burst (10) - Select 2 enemy followers. Deal X damage to the first follower and Y damage to the second follower. X equals the attack of the second follower and Y equals the attack of the first follower.
    • Drain.
      Evolve: Deal 2 damage to all enemies.
  • Illya, Queen of Night


    • Illya, Queen of Night

    • Bloodcraft
    • Legendary
    • -
    • Fanfare: Union Burst (10) - Deal 3 damage to an enemy follower. Then deal 3 damage to the enemy leader. Restore 3 defense to your leader.
      At the start of your opponent's turn, if your leader took damage during your previous turn, gain +1/+1.
      After clashing with an enemy follower, if this follower is not destroyed, fully restore this follower's defense.
    • At the start of your opponent's turn, if your leader took damage during your previous turn, gain +1/+1.
      After clashing with an enemy follower, if this follower is not destroyed, fully restore this follower's defense.
  • Yukari, Holy Guardian


    • Yukari, Holy Guardian

    • Havencraft
    • Gold
    • -
    • Fanfare: Restore 2 defense to your leader.
      Union Burst (10) : Until the end of your opponent's turn, give all allies the following effect - Reduce damage from spells and effects to 0.
  • Saren, Orphanage Matron


    • Saren, Orphanage Matron

    • Havencraft
    • Legendary
    • -
    • Fanfare: If at least 2 allied amulets are in play, gain the ability to evolve for 0 evolution points.
      Union Burst (10) : Deal 3 damage to all enemy followers. If your leader has 5 defense or less, deal 5 damage instead.
    • Evolve: Subtract 3 from the Countdown of an allied amulet.
  • Ameth, Dream Emissary


    • Ameth, Dream Emissary

    • Portalcraft
    • Gold
    • -
    • Fanfare: Give another allied follower Ward. Then, if it's evolved, give it +1/+1, draw a card, and recover 1 play point.
  • Omniscient Kaiser


    • Omniscient Kaiser

    • Portalcraft
    • Legendary
    • -
    • Accelerate (1): Select a card in your hand and banish the rest. Draw a card for each card you banished. If this is your first turn, draw 1 more.
      Fanfare: Deal 7 damage to the enemy leader and a random enemy follower. Then restore 7 defense to your leader. Gain Ambush until the end of your opponent's turn.
  • Princess Knight


    • Princess Knight

    • Neutral
    • Gold
    • -
    • Fanfare: Randomly put a follower with Fanfare (excluding Princess Knight) from your deck into your hand.
    • Evolve: Recover 1 play point. Subtract 2 from the Union Burst of all followers in your hand.

This is a list of Middle-earth video games.It includes both video games based directly on J. Tolkien's books about Middle-earth, and those derived from books, films, and television series which in turn were based on Tolkien's works. This is an index of real-time strategy video games, sorted chronologically.Information regarding date of release, developer, platform, setting and notability is provided when available.

  • Day 1:
    Pecorine emblem
  • Day 2:
    1 Ultimate Colosseum card pack ticket
  • Day 3:
    1 Ultimate Colosseum card pack ticket
  • Day 4:
    1 Ultimate Colosseum card pack ticket
  • Day 5:
    Gourmet Guild 2 sleeves
  • Day 6:
    1 Ultimate Colosseum card pack ticket
  • Day 7:
    1 Ultimate Colosseum card pack ticket
  • Day 8:
    1 Ultimate Colosseum card pack ticket
  • Day 9:
    1 Ultimate Colosseum card pack ticket
  • Day 10:
    1 Ultimate Colosseum card pack ticket

Shadow Defense: Kingdom Mac Os X

  • Stage 1
    10 p.m., January 15 - 12 noon, January 20 (PT)
  • Stage 2
    12 noon, January 20 - 12 noon, January 24 (PT)
  • Final Stage
    12 noon, January 24 - 12 noon, January 26 (PT)