Wild Magic (Helpinghand97) Mac OS

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Wild Magic
Game Jam: Kindred Game Jam 3
Theme: Craft Your Own Magic
Duration: 1 week
NOTICE 7/24/2020: I realize my game is a bit confusing so I am going to put it here for now. The Crafting system is taking the cards into the slots and hitting the crafting button. What is happening behind the scene is that the crafted card goes back into the deck along with the other two cards. You start with 5 water,fire,air,earth mana cards. Everything else is your creation. Sorry for the inconvenience I will update it in the notes or make it more obvious after the game jam is over.

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Concept: Casting spells take so long sometimes to fire off. Ever wonder why it takes so long? Lets do it through cards and see how long it takes for you to come up with powerful spells.
Idea: I personally liked card games but they were so much about min-maxing that it hurt my brain trying to jump into games like Hearthstone or Magic of the Gathering. How cool would it be if everyone started with the same amount of cards, same types of card, and can only do so many moves before their opponent can make their move.
Why magic though? Why not? Casting in some games takes a second to fire off and other games takes like 20 seconds. The higher you level up in those games the faster and more powerful your spells become. What is actually happening in the mind of the caster? What are they feeling? How much thinking do they need to do to get the concept and put it to use? Well that's why I made this game.

Note: That there is no audio due to bad management of time on my part during the game jam. However, if the game does have audio when you download it, That means I came back to this little game and decided it was best for music.
Everything that is in the game was made by me with the help of the Unity Game Engine.

PlatformsWindows, macOS, Linux
GenreCard Game, Strategy
Tags2D, Crafting, Deck Building, Magic

Install instructions

Just Click download, the download might throw an error asking if you want to discard it or delete it. Just click on the arrow or show more options and click on Keep.
Once you extract it, your computer might flag a warning to not run the program, there is a button somewhere that says 'show more options' that will allow a button to show up for 'run anyway' and just click that. I don't know what it is like on other systems but hopefully its something similar to those instructions. If not, let me know and I will give you an answer back as soon as I can.


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There are places in the Outer Planes, such as Limbo and the Far Realm, where magic exists in its most raw and untamed state. It infuses the planes themselves, warping the land—where there is land at all—the air, and anything that lives there. These are the realms of the githzerai and the illithid, of beholders and aboleths. These creatures have access to powers that most mortals of the Prime Material plane cannot even understand, much less control.

Unless you’re a Wild Magic Sorcerer.

Wild magic is drawn from “the forces of chaos that underlie the order of creation.” These sorcerers can channel the raw power coursing through their veins and shape it to their desires. Of course, no power this strong can be completely controlled; this is where Wild Magic Surges occur.

As both a dungeon master and a player, I’m a big fan of Wild Magic Surges. If you’re unfamiliar, the Wild Magic Surge table can be found on page 104 of the Player’s Handbook. It is a table of fifty random effects that can occur whenever a Wild Magic Sorcerer casts a spell or uses certain abilities. These effects can be powerful, inconvenient, or both at once. Sometimes you will cast fireball on yourself; other times, you’ll turn into a potted plant. Especially for experienced players and DMs, Wild Magic Surges add a dose of random chaos that can make the game feel fresh and unpredictable. It’s certainly not for everyone, but my players and I enjoy them.

Unfortunately, there aren’t many ways to experience raw or wild magic outside of these Surges short of travelling to the Outer Planes. The only standard magical item that comes close is the wand of wonder. This makes a certain intuitive sense. Enchanting is by its very nature bound by rules; it focuses magical power for a very specific purpose. Enchanting an item with raw magic is basically a paradox. Items that contain such unfiltered power could be relics of the Outer Planes themselves, or the result of untrained and unfocused experimentation.

I’ve come up with a few such items that can inject a little chaos into your game with a dose of raw magic.

Stone of Limbo

Wonderous item, uncommon

Limbo is a plane of pure chaos. Creatures that cross from Limbo to the Prime Material plane may bring small pieces of the plane with them like a pet tracking mud into a house. Some of these evaporate or turn to liquid immediately, but a few become solid hunks of unpredictable power.

At first glance, this item looks like a meteorite about the size of a human fist. Upon closer inspection, however, it seems to glow faintly with an inner light, first white, then purple, then red. Sometimes it will be hot to the touch; other times, it will be freezing cold. On occasion, a strange odor will waft from the stone, only to disappear moments later.

The stone is inert until it is thrown. When it lands, it unleashes a blast of magical energy in a 20-foot radius sphere. Each creature within range must make a DC 13 Dexterity saving throw. Each creature takes 2d10 damage on a failed save, or half damage on a success. Choose one of the d10s. The number rolled on that die determines the effect’s damage type, as shown below.

Wild Magic (helpinghand97) Mac Os Catalina

If you rolled doubles, the stone unleashes another blast of energy. Roll damage again, and all affected creatures roll a new saving throw. Repeat this process if necessary.

Experimental Potion

Adventuring gear (potion), rare

Beginner alchemists are often the most dangerous kind. They know just enough to understand how magical ingredients and enchantments work, but not enough to know how they work together. These journeymen are so caught up in the joys of experimentation that they don’t always think through the consequences of their work. Costly mistakes are how they learn that just because they can mix esoteric ingredients doesn’t mean that they should.

Sometimes, however, their work results in something stable, yet unpredictable. No two of these potions are exactly the same, but they often have a similar appearance. They look like little more than effervescent brown muck, and smell overly sweet. When drunk, however, they can have powerful and unusual effects.

Immediately after drinking, the drinker rolls twice on the Wild Magic Surge table. These effects happen simultaneously. Effects last for their full duration, and do not require concentration. If an effect requires a target, it is chosen at random from available valid targets.1A very similar potion was used to hilarious effect on Dimension 20’s Escape from the Bloodkeep.


Ring of the Far Realm

Wonderous item, rare (requires attunement)

Wild magic (helpinghand97) mac os update

Wild Magic (helpinghand97) Mac Os Version

Illithid craftsmen are uncommon, but no less powerful for it. Their artifacts are products of the realms of madness that they hail from, possessed of an uncommon malevolence that does not follow the logic of the Prime Material plane. The Ring of the Far Realm is one such artifact, taken from the finger of an alhoon by a naïve adventurer long ago.

The ring is a rough-hewn silver band with a single purple stone inset. No matter how long it is held, it is cold to the touch. When attuning to this item, you hear strange dissonant whispers in Deep Speech promising power and domination over others.

The ring has three charges, and regains 1d3 expended charges daily at dawn. While wearing the ring, you can expend a charge to unleash a blast of psionic energy in a 15-foot cone. Each creature in the area must make a DC 13 Intelligence saving throw or suffer 3d8 psychic damage, taking half damage on a success.

Wild Magic (helpinghand97) Mac Os Catalina

Whenever you expend a charge from the ring, you must make a DC 13 Charisma saving throw. If you fail, roll on the Wild Magic Surge table. Effects last for their full duration, and do not require concentration. If an effect requires a target, it is chosen at random from available valid targets.

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Wild Magic (helpinghand97) Mac Os Update

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